August 30, 2020

California State University
College Access

California State University to Close Campuses for In-Person Instruction This Fall  

California State University system will continue to be held online through the fall 2020 term because of the spread of the coronavirus. Keeping classes online is necessary because of “evolving data surrounding the progression” of the virus, Chancellor Tim White said during a CSU trustee meeting, alluding to public health experts forecasting further waves of the virus later this year. He left the door open, however, to resuming some in-person

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Ruby Mejia’s Interview
Alumni Pave The Way

Ruby Mejia’s Interview

Today, we wanted to introduce an amazing alumni leader that is paving the way for future Simon Scholars in the educational field. Ruby Mejia graduated from California State University, Fullerton and is currently a Spanish teacher at Newport Mesa Unified School District. As a proactive alumni she continues to be involved with the Simon Scholars Alumni group and volunteers her time mentoring high school and college scholars. Click the video

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Class of 2021 SAT and ACT Testing
College Access

UC’s Announcement Regarding the Class of 2021 SAT and ACT Testing

The University of California announced on Tuesday, March 31 that they will take a number of steps to temporarily adjust admissions requirements, so students and families will have one less thing to worry about during this COVID-19 pandemic. The measures include suspending the letter grade requirement for academic classes taken in winter, spring or summer terms of 2020; providing flexibility for students who need more time to meet registration, deposit

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