
Ongoing, personalized guidance & financial support for first-generation college students, from high school graduation through the completion of collegiate studies.

A Simon Scholar’s journey continues through college!

The College Success Program supports our Scholars during their entire higher-education journey. Our unique combination of programming and funding is proven to strengthen Scholar retention, persistence, and degree completion. Our program builds leaders who achieve meaningful careers and impact their communities in a positive way.


“The curriculum that you undergo as a Simon Scholar transforms your perspective on academia. Being a Simon Scholar to me means resilience. I have faced adversity, yet I have been able to get up and push through when life has been the hardest.”

Victor, Health Sciences Major at Chapman University


“Simon Scholar is synonymous with dreamer. I wear the title proudly, as I believe it represents not only the difficulties that I have faced in my life, but the strength I have found in those situations, and the people I am connected to as a result of it.”

Nikki, Economics Major at Claremont Mckenna College

Our staff supports every Scholar on their journey to success.

College Success staff build strong relationships with each Scholar and provide personalized support, from the moment a Scholar graduates high school until they join our Alumni Program. 

Along with one-on-one support, we use a cohort model that addresses each class year’s unique needs. Additional group experiences bolster the relationships and college knowledge that our Scholars studying nationwide need to succeed.


“The program provides me with resources and networking opportunities that helped me work toward my career goals. I am grateful to be a part of the Simon Scholars Program, which motivates me to strive for the best.”

Brandon, Nursing Major at CSULB


The curriculum that you undergo as a Simon Scholar transforms your perspective on academia. Being a Simon Scholar to me means resilience. I have faced adversity, yet I have been able to get up and push through when life has been the hardest.”

Fernando, Economics Major at Claremont McKenna College

Supporting Success: The Benefits of Our Scholarship

To allow Scholars to attend the college of their choice, the Simon Scholars Foundation provides up to $16,000 in a need-based college scholarship, with up to $4000 dispersed over four years. The Scholarship is intended to cover the gap between a Scholar’s cost of attendance and their gifted financial aid. Scholarship funds are applied to tuition, student fees, housing, meals, books, personal expenses, and transportation. During the 2022-2023 academic year, over 420 Scholars received over $1.64 million.

Our Scholars thrive at diverse
institutions nation-wide.